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Thief River Falls, MN


Kennel News

Hey friends and dog lovers, much has happened here at Sharptail Ridge!

      Summer – and primary dog training season – has begun. Each of us kids takes a golden or two for training. We work on obedience training first: things like sit, stay, down, come, etc. This gets them in shape for the 4-H Dog Show. We also work on field training; basic retrieves, blind retrieves, double retrieves. The basic retrieves get the dogs ready for more complex maneuvers. If they can handle basic retrieves, we begin to work on double retrieves, throwing two dummies out at the same time and asking the dog to go for one at a time. This teaches them to follow arm signals – essential for blind retrieves. Once a dog can handle blind retrieves, they are much more prepared for huntig (in case they miss where a duck lands…) than if they were only ready for retrieves. We also add to their preparation by training some in the CRP and in water.

     Our dogs are not the only ones receiving training. Kouchee is here for about a month of obedience training. Last night we did a specieal training session; we asked the owners to come out and watch Kouchee being training so that they could learn how to keep up with her training at home.

     We have another litter of puppies! Mattie, one of Honey’s puppies owned by Darcy Pesta, has been bred by Auto and has a litter of 12 puppies! Find pictures of Auto and Mattie on the Current Litters page.

      And finally, we have added a new page to our website! If you’re looking for a vacation and not a new puppy, then go to our Dog Boarding page and get all the information on our kennels!

Have a blessed week!


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