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Thief River Falls, MN


Spring and summer pups

Hello kin and kanine-lovers!

Yes, I know it’s about time we had another post here. 🙂 A litter of pups and this thing called life got in the way of my good intentions. Yes, we’ve had another litter of puppies! Penny and Tanner have had a litter of pups, born just two and a half weeks ago. ( See the Breeding Dogs page for Penny’s profile.) We moved the pups outside just this week, because after two weeks they’re old enough and strongh enough that we don’t need to moniter them all day and night. There are ten healthy pups outside right now, exploring a kennel with all their new, proportionately gigantic neighbors – the other dogs.

Meanwhile, just a few “doors” down, the last two of Rusty’s pups are completely on their own! They’re over two months old, and they’re being trained before they’re picked up by new families.

And so for a while, the average age of our dogs is much, much lower. 🙂

Enjoy the pictures!

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