Happy New year from Gypsy
Chasing squirrels with Skylar
I’ve been wanting to write you now that Sky is 1 year old. I got Sky from you and my friend, Chris Severns, got her dog 6 mo. later. Anyhow Sky has turned out to be a great dog, a wonderful addition to our family! He loves playing with his brother. Here are a couple of pictures, hope you enjoy them.
Joe Tretter
- Running in the woods
- Chasing squirrels
Update: Doc
It has been a few years, but wanted to give you an update on “Doc” our 2010 puppy from Tanner and Rusty. He has been the most special dog I have ever owned, and is truly my best friend. The past four years, he has had the opportunity to pheasant hunt with us, and this was his best year yet. He absolutely loves it, and has excelled at it. I was just curious, are you still breeding Goldens, and if so, is Tanner still with you? I have never had a dog with the pheasant hunting instincts that Doc possesses, and might be tempted to add to our harem if the bloodlines are still available. Anyway, hope all is well with you and your family.
Jerry Taylor
Bozeman, Montana
Update: Sadie
We love it when you share your puppy photos with us! Here’s an update from the Neuenfeldt family.
Hi Elisa!
I just thought I would show you some updated pictures of Sadie. These are from this past weekend when we went to my parents’ cabin in Duluth with a couple friends and their dogs.
The first vet appointment we took her to a little over a month ago she weighed in at 9 pounds. We just took her again about a week ago and she was up to 18! She’s growing so fast and is everything we could have hoped for in a puppy. She’s slept through the whole night since the 3rd night we got her, is learning commands very quickly (she can even ring the bell to go out already!), and is full of love for everyone and every animal she meets. Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful addition to our family!
I’ll be sure to keep you updated with more pictures as she continues to grow 🙂
Testimonial: Javi
This is Addie and last April I picked up one of penny’s males and I thought I’d share some photos with you guys. Javi–short for Javier is the best pup. He listens very well, loves to cuddle and camp and go on all kinds of hikes. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog. He gets along with everyone and loves lying in front of our wood burning stove after chasing all the shovel loads of snow from the latest storm! Thanks again!
Testimonial: Alaric
Testimonial: Brady
Hello Eric and Elisa!
My fiance and I bought a male puppy from you last spring out of Tanner and Lady’s litter. He has been a bundle of joy and thought we would update you on him. We tried to weigh him the other day and what we came up with was about 68 pounds, but I am realizing that we need to take him in to the vet to get a more accurate weight. He has learned several tricks, including sit, stay, shake, fetch, etc. He went out hunting with Jacob this last fall and seemed to really enjoy it. They didn’t make it out a lot, but Brady did get his first bird under his belt. He loves playing outside in the snow.
Brady also has become a big cuddler. He will jump up on the couch or bed to cuddle up with one of us whenever he has the chance. He is definitely spoiled rotten and treated like a kid. I have also attached a picture of him in front of the Christmas tree, a picture of him with his first bird, and one of him with Jacob opening Christmas gifts. Thank you so much for such a wonderful purchase!
Cassandra and Jacob
Testimonial: Isabella
As asked I’m updating you on how she’s doing. WONDERFUL! She has yet to have an accident in the house and that is spectacular to me. She is truly adorable and one dog never replaces another but Izzy has definitely filled a void in my life. The moment she walked in the door she leaned down to sniff a clump of cat hair, it stuck to her snout, she looked up and looked like Charlie Chaplin. I thought I’d share one of her funniest stories.
She sleeps in her kennel well, 8 hours and never wets in there, you have blessed us with a wonderful dog.
Mostly I’d like to say thank you for everything you’ve done to help us to bless us with our precious Izzy!
~Marion Mason
Testimonial: Sally
Hello Eric and Elisa!
Just wanted to let you know that “Sally” (Silly Sally) is doing AWESOME! She is such a good girl. Thank you for starting the training process with her, she is soooo smart and I’m proud of her. It has made the adjustment so easy. She has lots of kids to play with and we check in on her during the day frequently. There will be a little “Sally ” dog house built for her soon (with a cement slab). She certainly is a cuddler and a good listener, smart, beautiful, and has touched all of our lives already majorly. Just thought I’d say thank you again. I’ve told several people about your website and how happy we are with Sally.
Thanks again, Jill and Dawson
Testimonial: Katy
Hi Elisa,
I wanted to send you this email letting you know how much we love Lily, the golden retriever we purchased from you and your husband in April 2007.
She is 63 lbs., and a lovable companion. She looks just like Tanner, and when we initially viewed your website, it was Tanner that caught my husband’s eye. Her hips are amazing; she can lay flat like a pancake. That is her normal position when she lays down, so we know she is comfortable doing so.
Her eyes are so sharp. She can spot the light of a plane off in the distance. She can zero on it, and it takes us a minute to figure out what she is looking at.
Jim: “She is loyal, and stays close by. She is very will disciplined.”
Katy: “She is my baby. She runs 5-8 miles w/me every day. It is so fun to have a running buddy. Running partners talk too much!”
Rachel: “Lily is never tired; I love playing with her. She always loves to lie on my bed to snuggle with me, and knows she is welcome to do so anytime.”
We would like to purchase another Golden from you in about 2-3 years. Lily will be the perfect age for a companion then.
Thanks so much for the beautiful golden,
~Jim, Katy, and Rachel Cloutier