So as a senior in college, I happen to be well acquainted with finals. Just as spring fever begins to be relieved by warm weather, and melted water everywhere gives one visions of water-skiing, tanning, walks on the beach, etc., your professors dangle freedom just beyond a hurdle. A huge hurdle.
A hurdle that can seem insurmountable as as the word “comprehensive” blurs behind tears and you mind enlarges an image of the textbook you JUST finished…
Those of you well past college and seeing your past with rose-colored glasses – I’m really not exaggerating much!
Mumsy has been doing dog therapy this winter. How huge is that? It was simple to get into, and yet so very effective. Elderly people (who we usually go to) just love having a gentle, quiet dog pad up to them and ask for attention. These elders of our enjoy giving the attention as much as the dogs enjoy receiving it.
Well last week, Mom went to a college.
I just can’t imagine how awesome that would be. First, to know somebody cared enough to come to the campus and share their dog with you, and second – it’s a DOG!
Honestly, this is the best college-finals therapy I can think of.
This and pillow fights. 🙂 (Pillow-Fight Video)