The pups are officially adorable. I picked up one of the pups a day or two ago and it snuggled it’s seven-week-old chin into my twenty-year-old one, and relaxed. The lovely little thing! I thought I knew how to guard my heart, but it just got stolen. By an innocent puppy. #okthen
When anyone steps into the kennel, the pups just swarm around. There will be three or four jumping at your knees and it becomes impossible to walk – wading might be a more accurate description. And if you walk to near to their food, they’ll just start crowding into it because it’s close to you – they don’t care what they step in! So we end up having to stand as far from their dishes as we can and pouring the food and water over their heads into the bowls – only then does the herd thin around our legs as some of the greedier ones realize they have first dibs on dinner.
The twenty-two of them are getting bigger and healthy and rhompy. The kennel is a circus. One of them thinks he’s bigger than he is – more importantly bigger than his brother – and he takes his sibling down with a tiny growl. Some of them chew on each other’s ears playfully, hoping to prove their maturity and avoid actually wrestling. Alwas one gets tackled, or tumbles around unsteadily, and ends up sitting discomfitted and confused, looking around for a perpetrator or some amusement for orientation.
I’m going on vacation soon and I’ll be gone just long enough that all the pups will have new homes when I return. How sad.
Have a lovely life, little snuggler. I hope you find a chin as comfortable as you found mine to cuddle with.